PPD Gone! is a free, valuable resource for those suffering from postpartum depression (as well as for their family members and friends).
Provided by Clinical Psychologist Dr. Shoshana Bennett, one of the foremost experts on PPD (who experienced severe PPD herself- twice) youll find useful tools, tips, advice, strategies, audios and videos, but if needed, youll also find access to immediate help that will get you on the road to a full recovery.
PPD Gone! provides you the specialized. credible information and support you need to conquer the debilitating consequences of postpartum depression. Whether you yourself are suffering from postpartum depression or you have a loved one that youre concerned about, in downloading this app youve just taken the most important step. The truth is, the faster you and your loved one find effective, credible information and support (which could include coaching, counseling, psychotherapy or medical advice), the closer youll be to recovery.
What’s In This App?
*Tools and strategies you can use immediately
*Truths to combat “depressed” talk
*Free membership to PPDGone!
*Books and other resources
*Access to Dr. Shosh
*And more!
How to Use This App
This app provides access to the best information about recovering from postpartum depression and other related disorders. You’ll find DrShosh.com radio shows where callers ask for help and receive practical tips. You’ll also access videos and reading material that are full of simple strategies and the support that you require now.
By the way, the fact that you reached out and found PPDGone! is not only a smart move forward to full recovery, youll also find its a great step toward staying happy and healthy after youve reached complete wellness.
Download this valuable (and potentially lifesaving) app provided by one of the foremost experts on postpartum depression right now and start enjoying your life and family once again.